Texas Couple Get 60 Years Each for Sexually Assaulting Children, Producing Child Porn

A Killeen couple have been sentenced to 60 years each in federal prison after they admitted to sexually assaulting children β€” including infants β€” and producing child porn. Christopher Almaguer and Sarah Rashelle Almaguer, both 27, were sentenced Wednesday. The couple, who each pleaded guilty in November to one count of sexual exploitation of children and one count of production of child pornography, must also pay $10,000 each to the Domestic Trafficking Victims' Fund.The Almaguers were arrested in February 2018 over accusations they had sexually assaulted as many as 25 minors, the youngest of whom was 8 months old. The arrests followed a tip from Facebook notifying law enforcement that Sarah had uploaded child pornography using her account, according to court documents.  Continue reading...

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