A handful of demonstrators gathered at Dealey Plaza early Friday evening to denounce President Donald Trump's military strike in Syria, fearful the action could devolve into bigger problems for the U.S., including war with Russia.The group of about 20 displayed signs to traffic streaming by on Elm Street, eliciting the occasional honk of support. Among them: "No War In Syria," "Stop The Bombings," and "Still Not My President."The hour-long demonstration, organized by Dallas attorney Daniel Sullivan, was punctuated by occasional chants such as "From Syria to Palestine, occupation is a crime" and "No justice, no peace, U.S. out of the Middle East." Among those airing their concerns were Hadi Jawad and Mehry Cornett, longtime members of the Dallas Peace and Justice Center. Continue reading...
Demonstrators Decry U.S. Attack in Syria at Dealey Plaza
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