Ice, Ice, Baby!

Ice events don't happen often in North Texas, but when they do we can count on you to capture the scene on camera.

In just over 24 hours North Texans sent more than 300 photos and video clips to NBC 5 at our email address.

At first the photos captured the scene on the streets as North Texans braved the elements to get home or woke up to an coat of ice in their neighorhood.

For some, beauty was nature wrapped in ice. North Texans are pros at snapping still life photos of trees, flowers or fences coated in ice.

Then the photos shifted to pictures of creatures in the cold, including dogs and cats as well birds and a buffalo.

For others fun was the word of the day. We received snapshots of slapshots and children sledding on an ice covered street.

Thanks to all the North Texans who sent in photos of the ice storm that coated the area on Jan. 27 and 28.

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