Medina's Slip of the Tongue on Glenn Beck Show

Just about every conservative candidate would jump at the chance to be on Glenn Beck's radio program, but Debra Medina might be wishing for a radio do-over.

Thursday morning on Beck's radio program, Republican gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina was asked about rumors that she is a "9/11 Truther," someone who believes the American government was involved with the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Below is the exchange, as transcribed by the Glenn Beck Radio Show:

GLENN: Right. Here's then let me be more frank and ask you the question: Do you believe the government was any way involved with the bringing down of the World Trade Centers on 9/11?

MEDINA: I don't, I don't have all of the evidence there, Glenn. So I don't, I'm not in a place -- I have not been out publicly questioning that. I think some very good questions have been raised in that regard. There are some very good arguments, and I think the American people have not seen all of the evidence there. So I've not taken a position on that.

GLENN: I think the people of America might think that might be a yes.


GLENN: Do you have advisers, do you have adviser?

MEDINA: I'm not going to take a position.

GLENN: That's fine.

MEDINA: These questions have been raised, and they are not answered.

GLENN: That's fine.

MEDINA: These questions have been raised, and they are not answered.

After Medina's interview, Beck said, " I think I can write her off the list."

Beck's also criticized Gov. Rick Perry's border plan on the show and said he didn't think Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison was the "answer for Texas."

A full text of the radio interview can be found here.

Medina's campaign sent out a response after the interview, clarifying her position.

"I have never been involved with the 9/11 truth movement, and there is no doubt in my mind that Muslim terrorists flew planes into those buildings on 9/11," Medina said in the statement. "I have not seen any evidence, nor have I ever believed that our government was involved or directed those individuals in any way. No one can deny that the events on 9/11 were a tragedy for all Americans and especially those families who lost loved ones."

Both Perry and Hutchison's campaign quickly released statements castigating Medina.

"I know exactly who was responsible for the horrific attacks on September 11th -- al-Qaida terrorists who declared war on America. To suggest otherwise is an affront to the men and women who are sacrificing their lives to root out the terrorists in Afghanistan and around the globe," Hutchison said in her statement.

"Today's comments were an insult to the thousands of Americans who lost loved ones on 9/11 and the military men and women who are overseas protecting our country. President Bush worked tirelessly to protect our nation from additional terrorist attacks and anyone who would suggest 9/11 is a conspiracy involving the Bush administration should be ashamed," Perry said in his statement.

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