Most Texas House Democrats Remain in Washington; Republicans Call on Them to Return Home

The lawmakers have been in the Nation's Capitol for more than a week, fighting for federal voting legislation.

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Several Democratic lawmakers, in masks, held a news conference in Washington, D.C. Tuesday.

Several Democratic lawmakers, in masks, held a news conference in Washington, D.C. Tuesday. Six members of the Democratic caucus have now tested positive for COVID-19. They are now in quarantine, but some other members of the Texas Democratic Caucus were together for a news conference on Tuesday. They continue to meet with federal lawmakers but are now doing the meetings virtually.  On Tuesday, they spoke with Majority Whip Jim Clyburn.

“He has certainly proven himself to be a trusted broker in politics. When he has given his word he stands on that, and you know, I just appreciate his wealth of insight and wisdom on this,” said Rep. Carl Sherman (D-Desoto.)

Democrats are determined to ride out the special session in Washington, lobbying for federal voting legislation that would override bills passed in the state.

Republicans continue to call on them to come back, saying Tuesday in a news conference they can't vote on a bill to bolster the foster care system without them. But the biggest sticking point remains the elections bill.

Rep. Craig Goldman (R-Fort Worth) said it's all about security at the ballot box, talking about 24 hour voting in the last election.

 “I think every single one of us has been told since we were a child, nothing good happens after midnight. So while they implemented this past time, all we are doing is giving people the right in the future to create elections fraud. There is no way you can find enough election workers, enough judges to watch people vote at three, four in the morning, and there is no reason for it. We give two weeks of early voting,” said Goldman.

With more than two weeks to go in the session, lawmakers for the most part, remain on two different sides of the issue, and the country.

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