“Zombieland” Takes a Bite Out of Box Office

Film is director Ruben Fleischer's first feature-length.

"Zombieland" -- a horror flick that combines both the road trip and zombie movie genres -- opened at No. 1 at the box office this weekend, bringing in $25 million.

The post-apocalyptic action comedy, which stars Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg, is based on a script that was originally meant to be produced for television. Writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick wrote the script as a series about two characters surviving in a world being taken over by zombies.  

But "Zombieland" would have been too expensive to produce as a show, director Ruben Fleischer said.   

The film is Fleischer's first full-length feature. Fleischer admitted that he wasn't originally interested in the script, according to Hollywood Reporter.

"My dream was to get to make a movie, and the experience of actually making a movie so far exceeded my dreams of whatever I thought to be possible," he told The Los Angeles Times.

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