Over 600,000 US Veterans May Be Uninsured in 2017

More than 600,000 U.S. military veterans will go without health insurance in 2017 if 19 states fail to expand their Medicaid programs, according to the Urban Institute.

The report found that many veterans fall into the “Medicaid gap” -- not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid, but making too much to qualify for federal subsidies stipulated in the Affordable Care Act. Some uninsured veterans may be able to obtain VA care, but not all of them choose it or meet the eligibility requirements. 

Thirty-two states have expanded their Medicaid programs since Obamacare passed in 2010, and 20 million more Americans have health insurance than did six years ago. Many Republican-controlled states refused to do it, leaving many of their residents in what's now called the "Medicaid gap."

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