Dr. Drew: Miley Cyrus Needs Help

After bong video, "Celebrity Rehab" doc says she's in crisis

The stuff in her bong might have been legal, but Miley Cyrus was sending up a bog smoke signal that she's in trouble, according to Dr. Drew.

Video of the teen starlet inhaling a psychedelic drug called salvia and then giggling has swept the Internet. And while she didn't break the law, celebrity addiction expert Drew Pinsky says it is important to rememmber that Cyrus is still just a kid, and one whose parents are splitting.

“We know that she’s going to be acting out now because her family’s in trouble, so it’s not unusual to see depression manifesting as various kinds of acting out behaviors,” Pinsky told Access Hollywood. “Adolescents don’t get depressed the way adults do. They don’t get sad and cry and withdraw. They often act out and become irritable, they act out with drugs and ... get in trouble and she seems to be suffering.”

 Pinsky, star of "Celebrity Rehab," said salvia is a dangerous drug, despite being legal. It causes intense hallucinations, he told Access.

“If I had a child that was doing that or if I was advising a parent, I would say get professional help immediately,” Dr. Drew told Access. “This cat is out of the bag. This is a child who is in trouble and who is suffering and this is her way of trying to manage that. Get professional help."

Selected Reading: Access Hollywood, TMZ, Popeater.

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