
‘Defund the Police' Movement Could Offer Sexual Assault Survivors a Different Path for Justice, Experts Say

Reclaimed police funds could be distributed to shelters, rape crisis centers, mental health services and programs to combat sexual violence, experts say

Jim Davis/The Boston Globe via Getty Images A person holding a sign reading “defund the police” stands next to a counter protester holding a “we support our police" sign in front of the Newton Police Headquarters in Newton, Mass., on June 4, 2020.

If calls to "defund the police" and divert funds to nonpolicing efforts are successful, what happens to rapists and sex offenders?

It’s a decades-old question that Aishah Shahidah Simmons has fielded for more than 25 years during her work as an activist against sexual violence and a documentary filmmaker on sexual assault against Black women, NBC News reports.

"The assumption is that policing will stop or prevent sexual violence," said Simmons, who is also the editor of this year’s Lambda award-winning anthology, "love WITH accountability." "There is documented evidence that it does not."

"So why do we rely on the police as the only solution to sexual assault?"

Some scholars, activists and lawyers who work on behalf of sexual assault victims are encouraged by "defund the police" efforts, telling NBC News that the existing criminal justice system has failed to address the economic, sociopolitical and mental health factors that often correlate with sexual violence. As a society, experts say, there is an overall lack of education to help unpack issues such as a rape culture, consent and body autonomy — and too seldom are people actually held accountable for their wrongdoings.

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