Balloon Boy's Dad, the Action Figure

Richard Heene, also known as the Balloon Boy’s dad, has made it big. He’s now an action figure.

It didn’t take long for the Connecticut action figure designer who turned Sarah Palin into a naughty schoolgirl to create the doll. It went on sale Tuesday, just in time for the holidays!

Heene is Falcon Heene’s dad - the 6-year-old boy who captivated the world earlier this month when we all thought he was floating over Colorado in a UFO-shaped balloon.

HeroBuilders, based in Oxford, Ct., created the doll, which is a jacked up version of the want-to-be-reality-TV-star dad. And what’s best is what he’s wearing -- a T-shirt that says “I’m With Stupid,” and the arrow points right up at him.

Emil Vicale, owner of HeroBuilders, said he did not plan to make the doll right away. He has a daughter who's Falcon’s age, so he was watching the saga from the perspective of  a worried dad.

As he was glued to the television that Thursday, watching the news coverage, he was wondering what his daughter would be going through, then he was just angry. But a friend convinced him to make the doll. 

“At first, I thought that this guy did not need any more notoriety,” Vicale said. 

The Heene family became a band of pseudo-celebrities when they appeared on ABC’s “Wife Swap.”

The Heene doll is grouped with political dolls now but will likely join the growing line of reality TV star dolls, including Jon and Kate Gosselin and the Real Housewives of New Jersey.

For $34.95, you can have your very own plastic version of the alleged mastermind of the Jiffy Pop balloon hoax.

This is the latest saga in this story. A Canadian entrepreneur recently came out with a Falcon-inspired Halloween costume.

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