#NoHandShake: Top Tweets of 2nd Presidential Debate

"No one has more respect for women than I do," said Trump

At the start of the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump did not shake hands, breaking with tradition.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton went head to head in their second presidential debate in St. Louis Sunday night.

The rematch kicked off without a handshake, followed by questions regarding etiquette. Trump's recorded comments from 2005 about his pursuit of a married woman and Clinton's emails took center stage during the first 15 minutes of the town hall. 

#Nohandshake began trending on Twitter, as did #Obamacare. Trump said he'd completely repeal Obamacare and Clinton said the Affordable Care Act was not perfect. 

In a twist, the two candidates walked toward each other and shook hands at the end of the debate. 

Here's the top tweets reacting to tonight's debate. 

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