Yes or No? Convention Center Hotel Vote Arrives

After a seemingly endless supply of commercials for and against the proposed Dallas Convention Center hotel, it's finally time to pick a side.

Election day is May 9, but early voting begins Monday.

Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert and former Fort Worth City Councilman Donavan Wheatfall debated the project at Friendship-West Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon.

"I think that there's precedence in terms of public-private partnerships," Wheatfall said. "It should be where private taxpayers are not on the hook, if you will, when you do a city-owner hotel."

Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert, who supports the hotel, said the project is about the city's future.

"It's about taxes, it's about jobs," he said. "People understand it, they get it, and especially when you tell them what's happening in the rest of the world, the rest of the nation."

Voters should read their ballot carefully. Counterintuitively, a "no" vote on Proposition 1 is actually a "yes" vote for the hotel, while a "yes" vote cast on the proposition will be a "no" to the hotel.

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