Perry Sent a Whistle to Fend Off Coyotes

Texas Governor Rick Perry is getting some heat from wildlife enthusiasts over his decision to take down a coyote with his laser-sighted pistol near Austin.

Perry told The Associated Press this week that a coyote came out of the brush toward his daughter's Labrador retriever puppy on a February jog, he charged it and shot it with his .380 Ruger pistol.

WildEarth Guardians said Wednesday it sent the governor a plastic whistle and offered to pay for a class in assertiveness training.

"With all due respect to his manhood, 90-pound women in tennis shoes effectively scare 30-pound coyotes away with a sharp shout.  We’re sending Governor Perry a plastic  whistle so he can leave his gun at home," stated Wendy Keefover-Ring of WildEarth Guardians.

In a press release the group went on to point out that coyotes control the populations of skunks and other smaller carnivores.

WildEarth Guardians also reported they sent the governor a copy of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' song, "True Men Don't Kill Coyotes."

More: Perry - Scared of Snakes But Not Coyotes

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