Fort Worth

Video Catches Fort Worth Teen Vandals in Act

Surveillance video captures images of three people who vandalize the front a home in the Tanglewood neighborhood of Fort Worth.

Surveillance video captures images of three people who vandalize the front a home in the Tanglewood neighborhood of Fort Worth.

The video was taken around 3:30 a.m. Monday and shows a trio of boys destroying property.

Similar vandalism occurred the same morning in various neighborhoods in the area, including Berkley Place.

At least 20 homes have been targeted. The vandals have thrown eggs, pulled flags and trees, broken planters, ripped up flowers, damaged cars and broken windows of homes.

"It was really sad to me, because eggs are one thing, a broken window is worse, but some people had plants ripped up, some had cars damaged. It was really not a good thing at all. It got way out of control," said Subie Green, whose home was egged, resulting in a cracked window.

The video from home surveillance cameras shows at least three boys driving in a minivan.

Police are investigating.

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