Farmers Branch

Trial continues for former Farmers Branch officer accused of murder

A police officer opened fire on a man when he said he drove toward him as he approached his vehicle

Farmers Branch Police

Surveillance video shows a Farmers Branch police officer shooting a driver he said posed a threat, June 12, 2019. The officer is facing a murder charge.

Testimony continues Tuesday in the trial of a former Farmers Branch police officer charged with murder.

Michael Dunn declined a jury trial and instead is leaving it up to the judge to decide the outcome of his case.

In 2019, police said officers were approaching a parked truck stopped in a shopping center parking lot that was believed to be stolen when the driver began to pull out of his spot and drive toward Dunn.

Police said Dunn fatally shot the driver, identified as 35-year-old Juan Moreno Jr.

Dunn was indicted by a Dallas County grand jury just two weeks after the incident.

Dunn's attorneys said he believed he was in imminent danger and that he made a split-second decision to shoot. Prosecutors said, however, that Moreno did not pose a threat to Dunn.

Two other people inside the truck were not hurt.

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