
Timeline Laid Out in Dallas ISD Superintendent Search

The timeline laid out by the search firm has the trustees voting on a new leader in June

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Talia Richman with The Dallas Morning News joins NBC 5 to discuss the timeline for Dallas ISD’s superintendent search.

Dallas ISD trustees on Thursday approved a timeline for the district’s superintendent search that sets them up to vote on a new schools chief by early June.

The process of replacing longtime superintendent Michael Hinojosa has already been somewhat fraught. The board initially planned to use two search firms for the job. One has since dropped out, leaving Austin-based Walsh Gallegos as the sole firm working with the district.

The team presented its proposed timeline during Thursday’s board briefing, though officials noted the board could end up taking longer to decide. The current calendar puts the board on a path to name a finalist May with the official vote for a new leader in the second week of June.

The application is expected to open on Monday.

Copyright The Dallas Morning News
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