Parker County

Three Generations Work to Preserve Parker County Peaches

Three generations of the Hutton family work to preserve Parker County peaches.

Parker County is known for their peaches. Every June and July, people come from miles to buy peaches at Hutton’s Farm near Weatherford.

The Hutton family bought their farm in the early 80s, leaving the city life for the country, and customers will tell you the fruit there just tastes sweeter.

“Oh we did it willingly,” laughed co-owner Gary Hutton. “Don’t know if we do it now, but we did it willingly.”

It’s not exactly been easy.

Over four decades, the family has faced plenty of setbacks. Late freezes, hail storms, and unwelcome critters have led to some lean years.

They’ve watched nearby farms fade as more developments creep into the countryside and now their peach farm is one of the last ones left.

“There’s an opportunity and a setback in some ways,” said Hutton. “You lose part of history.”

Time may have changed some things but Gary’s father still helps run the produce stand.

“It’s just something in your blood. You gotta do it,” said Charles Hutton.

And now the farm’s future is in the hands of the Hutton grandchildren.

Three generations of siblings and cousins work side-by-side to keep their way of life alive.

“I tell [people] I’m a peach farmer and people say, ‘People still farm?’ It’s kind of a shock to people sometimes,” said Jay Hutton, Gary’s son.

Jay and his generation are hopeful they can keep the business going and keep Parker County the place for peaches.

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