Texas Schools Take Bite Out of Junk Food

The state is banning some junk foods from schools in an effort to curb childhood obesity.

Deep fryers, once a staple inside many Texas school kitchens, will no longer be allowed.

In high schools, candy and sodas, among other "foods of minimal nutritional value," will no longer be sold or given on campus during school hours.

Students, however, can bring those food onto campus if they choose to and can purchase candy and sodas after school.

"My two boys get enough fried food at the house and at the fast-food places around town," parent Scott Snow said. "It's probably a good thing they are going to take them out of school."

Other parents said they don't like the idea of schools controlling what their kids can and cannot eat.

"I would strongly disagree with such a decision. I think the reason kids are obese is not because of the food they are eating, but because they go home and play video games and watch TV all day instead of go outside and play," said Craig Friesland, a father of four.

Dietitians say good nutrition starts at home, where parents should teach children how to eat nutritiously and encourage physical activity.

"Children eat what they are familiar with, so the food they are getting at home and when eating out are the ones they are going to look for when they go to school," said Neva Cochran.

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