
Texas Family Told to Remove Snowman Because Too Early for Christmas Decorations

Claudia Simonis said she is pregnant with a due date of Dec. 25, so she and her husband put up decorations early just in case

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.

A Texas family said their homeowners' association put a damper on their holiday spirit by telling them to take down an inflatable snowman because it's too early for Christmas decorations, NBC News reports.

Claudia Simonis, a resident of the Lakeside at Canyon Springs subdivision in San Antonio, told NBC News in a phone interview on Thursday that her family decorated their front yard on Nov. 1 with a large inflatable snowman, a reindeer and a Santa helicopter. 

Days later, on Nov. 4, the neighborhood's homeowners' association, Diamond Association Management & Consulting, sent the family a letter saying the festive display was a violation and that the snowman needed to be removed.

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