North Texas Law Firm Announces Rideshare Program to Get Voters to the Polls


With early voting underway for the Texas primary election, a North Texas legal team wants to make sure voters can get to the polls this week and on Election Day.

The Terrell-based Law Offices of Houston M. Smith, P.C. is partnering with Texans Taking Action to launch the Lift To The Polls program that ensures DFW voters have reliable transportation to place their votes.

The program offers a free Lyft ride code for transportation to the polls on Election Day, March 1, and through the early voting period, Feb. 14-25.

"We're proud of our partnership with Texans Taking Action,” said Houston Smith, founder and principal of the law office. “We believe that our Lift to the Polls program, not only provides our community with a ride to their voting location, but also encourages and motivates voters to participate in every local, state, and national election.”

The legal team says this partnership was created to pay homage to the generations of African Americans who worked together for desegregation during the Alabama Bus Boycott in 1955 by forming a carpool operation.

"We are doing everything in our power to make sure that the voices of our communities are heard," said Millie Domenech, the cofounder of Texans Taking Action. “As an organization, we have been canvassing apartment buildings, knocking on doors in minority neighborhoods, and educating folks on the entire voting process.”

While supplies last, voters who need a ride can receive a code by calling the law firm's offices at 945-HOU-STON (945-468-7866) or visiting


Oct. 24 - First day of early voting
Nov. 4 - Last day of early voting
Nov. 8 - Election Day and the last day to receive a ballot by mail that is not postmarked (7 p.m.).
Nov. 9 (5 p.m.) - Last day to receive a ballot by mail that was postmarked by 7 p.m. on Nov. 8

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