Tarrant County

Tarrant County Jail Reports Zero COVID-19 Cases to Texas Commission on Jail Standards

tarrant county jail
NBC 5 News

Tarrant County Jail

Tarrant County Jail is currently reporting no COVID-19 cases at the facility.

The jail is the only major county jail in Texas reporting zero cases for counties with populations over one million, though other major counties are also seeing success with low COVID numbers, Tarrant County said.

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards records and reports positive COVID cases in jails around the State.

Since the Tarrant County Sheriff's Office initiated protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the jail, there has been an abundance of caution taken in partnership with John Peter Smith Hospital to prevent the spread of the illness, jail officials said.

The protocols included mandatory daily temperature checks of food vendor employees, employees, inmates, and the use of face masks by anyone entering the jail facilities, including staff.

Jail officials said team members are still following these precautions, as they have since the spring of 2020.

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