
Suspicious Activity Concerns Dallas Neighborhood Residents

Residents of a Dallas neighborhood are on high alert after one home was broken into and several others had a stranger knock on doors and ask for Stuart Brown.

Homeowners in a Dallas community said they are on high alert after reports of a suspicious man knocking on doors and giving out a fake name when confronted.

Several residents in the Wynnewood North neighborhood called police to report incidents last week. A church pastor reported that he found his back door kicked in and his television stolen from his home on Mayrant Street Sunday.

Two other homeowners reported a man looking into backyards and knocking on doors. When residents at two homes answered, the man asked for Stuart Brown.

Homeowners told NBC 5 they have seen an unfamiliar small gold SUV recently.

The Dallas Police Department deputy chief responsible for the area including the neighborhood said he will increase patrols.

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