State Senate District 10 Candidates Debate

Dr. Mark Shelton and Sen. Wendy Davis did not hold back during their debate Thursday night. Shelton is challenging Davis, the incumbent, in the race for State Senate District 10.

Don't be surprised if the two candidates in State Senate District 10 don't send each other a Christmas card.

Dr. Mark Shelton and the incumbent, Sen. Wendy Davis, went at each other at a debate on Thursday at Texas Christian University.

NBC 5's Omar Villafranca was one of the moderators for the debate.

The two candidates differed on the expansion of Medicaid (Shelton is against; Davis is for).

The most heated part of the debate came when ethics and lobbying were brought up. Shelton has accused of Davis of "peddling influence," a charge Davis denies.

"I think it's important if you have people in Austin representing you, then we need to know where their money is coming from and that plays into the whole lobby of who is Influencing the law in the Texas and who is getting rich off of it," Shelton told the crowded room.

"I have complied with every ethics law in the state of Texas," Davis answered. "My law partner and I are very proud of the work we do. We have filed every bit of paperwork the TEC requires us to do."

She said the allegations are part of Shelton's plan to deflect from his record.

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