Shelter Dogs Transferred From Waco After West Blast

Dogs moved to make space in Waco for displaced animals from West

Nearly 60 dogs made their way from Waco to the SPCA’s McKinney shelter after the explosion in West to make room for pets from the disaster.

Two North Texas shelters are preparing dozens of dogs from Waco for adoption.

The SPCA of Texas is housing 57 dogs that were transferred from a Waco shelter so room could be made there for animals displaced by the explosion in West.

"These were dogs that were already available for adoption before the horrific explosion," SPCA spokeswoman Maura Davies said. "We were there within 24 hours of the blast."

The SPCA shelters in McKinney and Dallas are getting the animals ready for adoption. Many of them are being spayed or neutered and getting health checks.

The group's adoption Web page will be updated as each Waco dog becomes available.

In McKinney, the new arrivals are mainly being housed in overflow kennel space outside. As they become adoptable, they are moved inside the main kennel to meet potential owners.

Davies said taking in dogs from Waco is a way to help shelters there.

"This is our way of being able to help the animals there," she said. "There are some dogs that have already gone up for adoption, and others will continue coming up as they are ready."

After Hurricane Katrina, shelters formed networks to help relocate adoptable pets to other facilities in order to make room in a disaster zone for lost or newly homeless pets, she said.

"When you bring in 57, 100, 200 dogs, it does put a big strain on our resources," Davies said.

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