Fort Worth

Roads and Alcohol Don't Mix This Thanksgiving: Texas DPS

AAA Texas predicts 3.4 million Texans will travel by car for Thanksgiving, and law enforcement officers will be looking for impaired drivers.

AAA Texas predicts 3.4 million Texans will travel by car for Thanksgiving, many of them leaving Wednesday and returning Sunday after the holiday.

"Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the busiest holiday of the year," said Trooper Lonny Haschel with the Texas Department of Public Safety. "Everybody's trying to get to their loved ones, to grandma's house for Thanksgiving."

It's a busy time for police, too, who will be looking for drunk drivers.

"Lot of counties are doing what they call 'no-refusal weekends,' where you don't have a choice," said Haschel. "You're going to go before a judge, they're going to determine whether the officer has probable cause and then they're going to get a court order to get your blood."

Twenty people were killed by drunk drivers during the Thanksgiving weekend in 2014.

"We encourage people to have a great time, enjoy the family, enjoy those moments that you have, but if you're going to have anything to drink at all, give the keys to somebody else," said Haschel.

The night before Thanksgiving is now said to be the biggest night of drinking all year, dubbed "Blackout Wednesday" or "Drinksgiving."

"Family is together, and we're easier to just tolerate around each other when we're drinking," joked Hannah Crichton, of Kyle.

Liquor stores have been stocking up for the days just before Thanksgiving, often their busiest of the year.

"As a business owner for the liquor store, Black Friday is for today and tomorrow (Tuesday and Wednesday)," said Muna Bhattarai, who owns Reggis Liquor Store in Fort Worth. "Today and tomorrow before Thanksgiving."

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