
Reese Witherspoon Brings Fashion Line to Dallas

Highland Park Village plays host to Reese Witherspoon’s first-ever Draper James pop-up shop.

If you're a fan of Reese Witherspoon, you'll love this.

Market in Highland Park Village is the site of the first-ever Draper James pop-up shop.

"We're so lucky to have the line," said Sarah Girard, store director at Market. "It's a great price point, great colors. I think women will love it. And, it's going to be incredibly successful."

Draper James features fashions and accessories inspired by Witherspoon's southern roots and the influences of her grandparents Dorothea Draper and William James. 

A large portion of the product is made in the United States, specifically the South, and come with Witherspoon's stamp of approval.

Labels on several items sold at Market read "Made in the U.S." or "Made in the South."

Colson Horton, visual merchant for Draper James, describes how to set the brand and theme of the new store, and what it’s like to work with Reese Witherspoon.

Among the items available at the shop is the lemon dress Witherspoon wears in the May issue of Oprah and the actor shows off on her Instagram account.

"Love the lemons," said Colson Horton, a visual merchandising specialist, "It's so fresh, so happy, the best for summer."

The best-selling tote bag with "Totes Y'all" printed on the outside is also at the pop-up shop for $165.

One of the top-selling pieces in the pop-up shop is a tote bag with “Totes Y’all” printed on the outside.

"The tote was the first item in the Draper James line and continues to be the number one seller", said Sarah Morse, Vice President of Merchandising for the company. "We are becoming famous for this phrase."

Morse, who is based in New York City, and Nashville-based Horton were in Dallas Monday helping Market get ready for the big opening. Both women also are involved in the Draper James flagship store in Nashville.

Draper James launched in May 2015 as a direct-to-consumer business, and the Nashvillle store opened six months later.

Girard said online sales show New York City, Los Angeles and Dallas are the top three cities for Draper James purchases. So, it made sense to open the first pop up shop in Dallas.

A permanent store opens in Highland Park Village in September.

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