Power Out at Fort Worth City Hall

Flooded electrical vault cut power

Fort Worth's City Hall lost power Thursday morning after a water leak knocked out electricity to the building, but power was restored at around 1:15 p.m.

Fort Worth Fire officials say a leak in an electrical vault that powers the building is the cause of the outage. A pump that normally removes rain water lead to a flood in the electrical room.

Firefighters and other emergency crews worked to get the water out of the vault and then restored power.

The city said firefighters would stay on hte scene with cooling units for computers just in case they need extra cooling. At 1:30 p.m. the temperature in Fort Worth was 86 degrees.

The building was on backup generator power, but lights and air conditioning were both still unavailable when NBC 5 crews arrived at the scene.

Several streets around downtown Fort Worth were blocked by emergency crews including Oncor, the fire department, and others during the two and a half hour power outage.

NBC 5's Greg Janda also contributed to this report.

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