Parents Save Man Trapped Under Car

Parent volunteers helped pull out a man who was pinned underneath his own vehicle on Wednesday

Parent’s came to the rescue of George Pedilla after they heard scream for help as he got stuck underneath his vehicle.

A group of parents at a Grand Prairie charter school is being hailed as heroes.

They helped save a man’s life on Wednesday, just across the street from Golden Rule Charter School, located near Marshall Drive and Belt Line Road.

George Padilla said he was working on his van when the jack slipped and he got trapped underneath his vehicle.

“I could feel my ribs crack, but I guess it didn’t go far enough to break them. They just, you could hear the cartilage snapping,” he said.

He yelled out for help and the parents and school staff, who happened to be volunteering outside their kids’ school, heard him.

“My heart started beating,” said Mayra Olvera, “I kind of wanted to cry when I heard him screaming because we’re like, ‘Oh my goodness what happened?’”

Olvera said the parents rushed over, lifted the van, and helped Padilla to crawl out.

“Oh it’s very heavy, very heavy. It hurt my arm right here,” said Edith Reed, gesturing to her right arm.

Parents said it was by God’s grace that they were at the right place at the right time.

“That’s what we were doing, volunteering, helping people, and that was just the situation that came up,” said Christine Salas.

Padilla said he still has a sore chest and bruised ribs but is so thankful that the good Samaritans came when they did.

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