Organization Trying to Defeat Dallas ISD Bond

Local organization is asking voters to vote down the bond on November ballot

A local organization is asking voters to vote down the Dallas ISD bond on November’s ballot.

Members of Justice Seekers Texas are not fans of the Dallas Independent School District bond.

The group held a press conference in front of the district's administration office Monday and said it doesn't trust the board to fairly use the $1.6 billion bond, so the group is encouraging voters to reject the bond on Nov. 3.

"We want a bond, but not this one," said the Rev. Ronald Wright, executive director of Justice Seekers Texas. "They need to start the process over with more community involvement and oversight."

The money would go toward building new schools and adding classrooms to existing schools, according to the current bond proposal.

The bond would pay for nine new or replacement schools, according to the proposal. Four of the schools are set to be built south and west Dallas and Oak Cliff.

"We knew where there were needs, so we went out and looked at the whole district and decided where we could put that money to the best use," said Dallas ISD Spokesman Isaac Faz.

For a breakdown of how the bond proposal would be spent, view the document below or visit the Dallas ISD website.

DV.load("//", { width: 650, height: 800, sidebar: false, text: false, container: "#DV-viewer-2465377-proposedbondprogram2015rev4" }); ProposedBondProgram2015rev4 (PDF)
ProposedBondProgram2015rev4 (Text)
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