One Last Workout Before Saying Goodbye

On his last day on the job, outgoing Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle enjoyed a workout at police headquarters. He is looking forward to life after the Dallas police department. "So I'm gonna enjoy being more anonymous in doing the small things rather than the big things in life," said Kunkle.

He said he will miss the people at  DPD and certain things about the job. But he won't miss the public scrutiny. "I never liked the media attention,the public recognition of being a public figure," he said. "So I'm going to enjoy being more anonymous and doing more of the small things rather than the big things in life."

Kunkle said he's been surprised at the positive press he's gotten since announcing he was leaving. "In the midst of all the controversies and battles and disputes, you never really know how people see you," he said. "I've been surprised; their reaction has been much better than I expected."

And a few events will forever stand out in his memory. "When we had the officers killed, it was very memorable for me," he said. "And having to talk about that, walking out of the hospital emergency room, and doing it in a way that you respect the officers. And also show just who they were and what they meant to their loved ones was something I will always remember."

New Chief David Brown will be sworn in on Tuesday. "The chief's going to need support because he's going to confront a lot of difficult issues," said Kunkle.

Kunkle will become the "executive in residence" for the W.W. Caruth Jr. Police Institute at the University of North Texas at Dallas, where he will work on training future police officers.

He spent nearly six years as the head of the Dallas police department.

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