Noisy Grackles Return to North Texas

Pesky birds are migrating north

Be careful where you walk -- the grackles are back.

The noisy birds normally show up along with the first bluebonnets on the side of the roads.

About 80 percent of the grackles we see in North Texas are just migrating through town on their way to bother someone else.

"All of the birds that migrated south during the fall, they're going to be migrating back north during the spring," said Rodney Beaman of Texas Bird Services in Arlington. "The difference is that they take about 60 to 90 days in the fall to migrate south, but only about 20 to 30 days to migrate north in the spring."

The birds are already making their mark, targeting vehicles at the corner of Mockingbird Lane and Abrams Road in Dallas.

"My car was so covered -- I mean, you couldn't see out of the windsheild," Kim Toulouse said. "You couldn't see out of the front or the back, and I had to go straight to the car wash and wash it just so I could see to go home."

Texas Bird Services uses noisemakers and powerful lasers to drive the birds away.

"Just about anything will drive these birds away temporarily," Beaman said. "The key is, if you want to drive them away long term, you have to use some proven methods."

The spring migration is just beginning and won't over until at least the middle of May.

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