Fort Worth

New Year New You: Beating Gymtimidation

Christmas dinner may still be sitting heavy in your stomach as you consider your goals for a brand new year. Soon, 2018 will be in the rear view mirror as we drive into a brand new year and many will try to find the motivation and drive to make some major life changes with health.

Christmas dinner may still be sitting heavy in your stomach as you consider your goals for a brand new year. Soon, 2018 will be in the rear view mirror as we drive into a brand new year and many will try to find the motivation and drive to make some major life changes with health.

But some people face “gymtimidation” and are fearful of going to a gym. It could be for any number of reasons including lack of familiarity with the equipment, fear of judgment or having little faith in their abilities.

“I can honestly tell you that was a big factor in my life,” Fort Worth personal trainer Jesus Marchant said. “When I first got into the gym, I was 305 lbs and going to a 24 hour fitness at the time I was like ‘these guys are in shape and I'm trying to get there.’”

“I think I was too focused on everyone else and not enough on myself,” Marchant added. “Being focused on everyone else, it didn’t allow me to see where I needed to improve.”

Marchant said when he started focusing less on what others in the gym did and thought and more on his own progress everything changed.

For Marchant, that change had to come. It was literally a matter of life and death.

“I had two mild strokes and the doctor told me that a third stroke could be really life-altering. That’s when I made the decision,” he said. “It took that much for me to get into the gym and into shape.”

He doesn’t want anyone else to get to such a dire state before the decide to start getting in shape even if the gym intimidates them.

“The best advice that I can give to someone when it comes to gym intimidation [is to] get on a workout routine, focus on yourself,” he said. “Go, into the gym with a game plan, execute and get out of there.”

Marchant said there is nothing wrong with starting at home, but don’t get too cozy there.

“I know a lot of people who started at home and you get very comfortable. If you think about it, your couch is right behind you. It’s that easy to just sit back and relax,” Marchant said. “So, I do recommend being around like-minded people and people with goals. A gym is a place where people want to grow and be a better version of themselves.”

Marchant said you should have someone to help to hold you accountable.

“I would say someone that is going to be a little bit more advanced. Someone on the same level – you can learn together, but someone that is going to be more advanced can see where the issue is and see where you need to improve,” he said.

There are also options for people who cannot afford a personal trainer.

“And if you are too scared to ask someone for help, YouTube is going to be your best friend,” Marchant said. “Get on there, seek assistance, work at your own pace. Take notes from anything a YouTuber says and then if you need further help – seek assistance from a personal trainer.”

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