
New Effort to Clear Untested Rape Kit Backlog in Texas

State Representative Victoria Neave and Former Senator Wendy Davis, who founded the non-profit organization 'Deeds Not Words,' have launched an online effort to clear the backlog of untested rape kits in Texas.

“I want folks in our community to realize that each rape kit it, is not just a number sitting on a shelf. Each rape kit represents an individual. Each rape kit represents a survivor,” said Neave.

Anyone who wants to donate to clear the backlog can go to clearthekits.org. There is already an account that was created after a bill from Rep. Neave passed last session. The bill allowed Texans the opportunity to donate when they go to get their driver’s license, and motor vehicle registration.

“Every single dollar raised will go particularly and specifically toward the testing of rape kits in Texas,” said Former State Senator Wendy Davis.

Rep. Neave said the state should be funding this fully, and that not enough resources have been allocated.

We reached out to Texas Governor Greg Abbott about that, and he said "Sexual assault evidence collection kits provide our law enforcement and prosecutors with a critical tool for identifying and prosecuting offenders. The swift and accurate testing of this evidence is vital to ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice before they can assault again. Supporting our survivors and providing law enforcement the resources they need is and always will be a cornerstone of my administration, which is why I was proud to sign HB 1729 into law.”

Abbott’s office tells us that more than $9 million have been appropriated to eliminating the backlog, during the 84th and 85th legislative sessions.

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