
Mystery Artist Responsible For Several Animal Portraits In Keller

The city of Keller wants to find the person responsible for several animal portraits that have popped up near the Town Center.

The city of Keller wants to find the person responsible for several animal portraits that have popped up near the Town Center.

Officials said they do not want to seek disciplinary action, but rather the opposite. They want the artist to paint more.

The first painting of a doe emerged in the tunnel under Bear Creek Parkway in mid-January.

According to a post on the city of Keller's Facebook page, the Parks Department manager, Gary Davis, said he "didn't have the heart to paint over it, so the doe gets to stay."

Since the doe appeared, the mysterious artist has returned to give the animal two companions: an armadillo and a bird.

In the latest Facebook post, the city of Keller said this in reference to the artist responsible: 

"We'd still like to meet you to discuss options for prepping the wall for your work. We're not sure who is more excited: the Parks folks or the Public Arts Board." 

It's still unknown who painted the animals, but needless to say, it's been very well received from the city. 

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