Museum Tower Glare Threatens Nasher Art

Sculpture center says reflected sunlight could damage artwork

The rising Museum Tower in the Arts District is causing concern for the Nasher Sculpture Center, sunlight bounces off the tower and the damaging rays could hurt the art on display.

The rising Museum Tower in the Dallas Arts District is causing concern for the Nasher Sculpture Center.

The gallery said sunlight bouncing off the tower's glass could hurt the art inside and outside the sculpture center. Nasher representatives said the center's architecture is designed to bring in natural light, not to deal with the glare from Museum Tower.

"We've been working with them," Nasher spokeswoman Jill Magnuson said. "However, at this point, six months later, we don't have a solution. There are remedies to be had."

Nasher said the light will burn the plants outside in the garden and has caused them to move artwork inside the gallery to avoid damage to the art. A Picasso piece was most recently moved.

"We have offered and continue to offer to share the cost of an effective solution proposed by independent experts that will maintain the architectural integrity of the Nasher Center and Museum Tower," Bill Criswell, a representative for Museum Tower's owner, said in a statement.

Nasher has suggested a transparent shade that would go over the glass outside Museum Tower. Magnuson said it would protect the views and keep the sunlight from damaging Nasher's art.

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