More Big Screens Added to Cowboys Stadium

They pale in comparison to the world's largest HDTV hanging inside Cowboys' Stadium, but there eight more big screens hanging outside the entrances that are some of the biggest in the business.

"Four of them are 18x32 feet. Four of them are 15x28 feet," said Chris Curtis of Argyle-based GoVision.

The screens are roughly the size of the two screens that hung inside Texas Stadium.  They're meant to grab people from the moment they walk through the gates, and when the Party Plaza fills up on Sunday, guests who don't have a great view of the field will still be able to see the entire game. 

"They're going to have bands. They're going to have a lot of interactivity. They're going to have fans out here being shown inside and the fans inside being shown out here," said Curtis.

The big screens are owned by the Dallas Cowboys, but when they're not being used here for games, they'll be traveling around the country to other big ticket events.
It's $6 million worth of equipment that will be disassembled in 3 x 4 foot sections and rented out by GoVision.

"The benefit to us is that it's a huge amount of inventory," said Curtis.

"It immediately fills some needs we have for some of the large scale events; the Kentucky Derby, the Final Four, some of the big golf events."

And a portion of the rental fee will go back to the Cowboys so that Jerry gets a return on his investment.

 It is, as they say, the ultimate win win.

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