
Meals On Wheels Volunteers Pay Close Attention to Residents' Well-Being As Temperatures Rise

NBCUniversal, Inc.

With another Texas summer barreling in, Meals on Wheels of Tarrant County is keeping a close eye on its clients to ensure everyone is cool and safe.

With another Texas summer fast approaching, an organization is keeping a close eye on its clients to ensure everyone is cool and safe.

Meals on Wheels of Tarrant County serves roughly 6,600 people throughout the county. While there is no age requirement, most of their clients are elderly and all are home-bound.

Sarah Drew-Watson, vice president volunteer services, said their volunteers are all trained to not only deliver meals, but to pay special attention to the well-being of the people they serve during the summer.

“They get to know their clients. They know what’s normal behavior, what’s not normal behavior. Especially during the summer, they’re trying to hone in on a client who comes to the door and is red in the face, maybe a little sweaty, has a wet rag around their neck,” Drew-Watson said. “That’s turned into our client services department who then goes into action to provide them with an air conditioner, repair the one they have.”

Longtime volunteer Ossana Hermosillo delivers meals each week with about a dozen or more clients per route.

“There’s so much important work this organization does. Later today when I have a board meeting, it’s not enriching or soul-enhancing as it is seeing the clients,” Hermosillo said. “My husband teases me at how much I miss it when we go on vacation or something.”

While checking on the well-being on people during the visits is a big responsibility, Hermosillo said it is one she takes on with privilege and honor.

“I feel like it’s just an important part of being a helpful, contributing member of society to check in and make sure if you have enough to eat? Do you have water?” she said.

Drew-Watson said volunteers are always needed at Meals on Wheels of Tarrant County. For more information, visit their website.

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