McKinney Residents Debate Fluoride in Water

A councilman has proposed a resolution to the water district to remove the chemical fluoride treatment

People on both sides of the debate about whether chemical fluoride should stay in the water supply voiced their concerns at Tuesday’s McKinney City Council meeting.

Councilman Ray Ricchi introduced a resolution, which calls for a formal request to the North Texas Municipal Water District to stop treating the water supply with chemical fluoride.

The resolution has caused some opposition from residents, as well as from several local dentists, who maintain that the addition of fluoride in the water is beneficial to dental health.

“We don’t ever drink tap water if we can avoid it,” said Pam Wenzel, a McKinney resident and founder of Fluoride Action Across North Texas. “The additional fluoride is not a natural occurring fluoride. It is a chemical that comes from chemical plants.”

Wenzel says she’s concerned about health risks, given that the chemically-based fluoride has been added to the supply in districts like the North Texas Municipal Water District since the 1980s.

“There’s nothing natural about it,” she said.

Wenzel says she has no problem with the fluoride that naturally occurs in the water supply, just the added chemicals.

City Council has tabled the resolution until its meeting on April 2.

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