MacArthur Basketball Coach's Inky Promise Criticized

Coach's vow to tattoo team's grammatically incorrect slogan raises eyebrows

A promise between a high school girls basketball coach and her team is drawing criticism.

MacArthur High School coach Suzie Oelschlegel promised her students she would get a tattoo with the team's slogan, "We N Dat Thang," if they won the state championship.

The team was on the ball all season and won the state championship on March 5.

But the promise by "Coach O" is raising eyebrows -- because the phrase is grammatically incorrect.

"It's like saying it's cool to be ignorant," said a comment on a Yahoo story about it posted a few days after the team's championship win.

Players said the promise was meant a motivator and it worked. They expressed gratitude for having a coach who believes in them.

Meanwhile, Oelschlegel would not comment about the tattoo, saying that the attention should be put back on her team and the accomplishment they worked so hard for.

"This particular season was one that we'll never forget and one that I'll never forget, because we've never won a state championship at MacArthur High School," she said.

While her tattoo may not be grammatically correct, the message and the state championship that came from it is priceless.

"I can't tell you what a joy it is to me as a coach and how proud our community and our school is," said Oelschlegel, who has been a coach for more than 30 years.

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