Life In Grapevine Back To Normal After Manhunt

Residents compliment police department

Life is getting back to normal after four uncomfortable days and nights with Alberto Morales on the run.

Life is getting back to normal after four uncomfortable days and nights with Alberto Morales on the run.

Tracy Humphrey,  who doesn’t live too far from where police found and killed Morales,  told NBC DFW this ended the way it needed to.  She was also complimentary of the Grapevine Police Department.

"Grapevine Police kept us really updated on what was going on and we just locked our doors more often, closed our garage door and made sure nobody got in behind us.  We just tried to keep our home more secure," said Humphrey.

Shelby Bishop was hanging out near the lake, something she hadn’t been doing during the manhunt.

"It feels good out here knowing he's not lurking at night,” said Bishop.  “I feel a lot safer.  I don't have to worry.  I mean there's still people to worry about but not like a prisoner."

A Grapevine Police spokesperson told NBC DFW Sunday, the officer who shot Morales, along with a couple of US Marshals are  doing fine.  He’s on administrative leave which is normal procedure when an officer shoots someone. 

Grapevine PD’s investigation into the Morales case continues.

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