KwanzaaFest Back On After Cancellation

Thanks to last-minute donors, KwanzaaFest will continue this year.

KwanzaaFest is back on, after the Dallas County Commissioner said the event was canceled earlier this week.

Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, who has sponsored the annual event since 1990, announced its cancellation on Tuesday.

After the public learned about the cancellation of KwanzaaFest, support for the event poured in.

"We've grown this from about 1,000 to 50,000," Price said earlier this week. "There's not another event in the Southwest that's anywhere close to it."

The December event - that has been held at Dallas Fair Park in the past - is a black cultural celebration and health fair that provides medical screenings and social services.

The loss of sponsorships and legal issues led to the initial cancellation announcement.

In the past two years, the event was held under the cloud of an FBI corruption investigation targeting Price. The investigation became public in June 2011 with raids on Price's home and office.

KwanzaaFest is also a target of the investigation. Investigators are looking into the possible money laundering of bribes through the charity event's finances, according to court records.

Price released a statement about the 2013 event happening:

“We are truly appreciative and totally amazed at the response of business leaders and citizens in this community. The only way that we can repay those good deeds is by returning them to people in this community who need it most.”

KwanzaaFest will happen Dec .13 through Dec. 14. The event has been held at Fair Park in the past, but this year’s festival application has yet to be executed.

Price will hold a news conference about 2013 KwanzaaFest on Oct. 29.

NBC 5's Randy McIIwain contributed to this report.

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