North Texas

How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions on Track

Every year, losing weight, eating healthy, and getting fit compete for the top spot on Americans' lists of New Year's resolutions, but sticking to those resolutions can be the biggest challenge.

Health and wellness experts say the biggest part of any fitness journey is getting started and staying motivated to see it through.

Dallas-based health and wellness speaker and author Todd Whitthorne talks about how to make and keep realistic New Year’s resolutions.

"Pick something doable, take baby steps, start where you are. Don't start where you used to be or think you should be, start where you are and do something every day -- moving in a positive direction," said Todd Whitthorne. "If you overshoot, you'll be successful for a couple days, maybe a couple of weeks, but you are going to fall off."

Whitthorne also says you should make healthy living a habit.

Once you make healthy eating and working out a part of your daily routine, you'll be more likely to stick with it.

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