Hold Your Fire This New Year's Eve

With the end of the year now in sight, Dallas' finest is reminding all that, thanks to gravity, what goes up must inevitably come down -- and that randomly shooting bullets or fireworks into the air to recklessly celebrate the arrival of the new year will not be tolerated.

In a news release issued Thursday, the Dallas Police Department said death, serious injury and property damage may all result from random gunfire and fireworks.

Don't think it can happen to you?  Ask Gus Roden.

To combat the illegal practice, keen-eyed Dallas police officers will be on the lookout for those celebratorily shooting either bullets or fireworks into the air on both New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.

Dallas police officials said fireworks in plain view may be confiscated and a citation may be issued that includes a fine of up to $2,000.  Those found to be in violation of discharging a firearm within the city limits may face a fine up to $4,000 and up to a year in jail -- and that does not inclulde any penalty that may result from damage or injury caused by falling projectiles.

Local ordinances regarding fireworks use may vary on New Year's Eve -- so check your area to be sure.  If you are in an area where firearms can legally be discharged, you will still be subject to legal action if the result of that act injures a person or property.

Better safe than sorry. In the words of departed staffer Bruce Felps, "Now, go out tonight, have fun, drink responsibly, and leave the guns locked up at home. Happy New Year."

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