Historic Frisco Water Tank Set For Demolition

Plans for the future and preserving the past are colliding in Frisco as an historic structure faces demolition.

Plans for the future and preserving the past are colliding in Frisco as an historic structure faces demolition.

For more than 50 years, the water tank at the corner of Preston Road and Gary Burns Drive has been a fixture in Frisco and now residents are preparing to say “goodbye.”

Frisco City Council approved the demolition to take place within the next 30 days.

“For us the Preston Road Corridor is a major gateway through our community so we are going through right now, looking at ways to beautify that district,” Mayor Jeff Cheney said.

The water tank, which was built in the 1960s, hasn’t been functional since the 1990s. Some residents see the tank as piece of history.

“To watch any of it getting torn down is kind of like tearing down a piece of our history of the city,” Carl Kutney said.

There is a chance that part of the tank will be moved to a historical museum.

“I would argue Frisco has done a great job of protecting,” Cheney said. “[Look at] the homes that were moved here to our historic district. We have done a great job of preserving that.”

One council member suggested the placement of an historical marker in the area, while another is encouraging residents to take pictures with the tower.

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