North Texas

Help Bikes for Mission Arlington

Thousands of children will receive a free bike for Christmas thanks to Mission Arlington’s “Bikes for Mission Arlington” program. Approximately 2,600 bikes were collected Saturday.

Bikes for Mission Arlington is gearing up for its Christmas bike giveaway Dec. 8 at 9 a.m.

The event started more than a decade ago with just two dads and six bikes. In 2017, almost 2,000 bikes were collected and given to children in need through Mission Arlington.

Mission Arlington executive director Tillie Burgin describes the work and services offered through the nonprofit.

If you would like to join Bikes for Mission Arlington, the organizers suggest you make it a family affair and involve your children. Let them pick out a bike and a helmet that is appropriate for a child their age.

Mission Arlington servant leader Clay Kelley describes how Bikes for Mission Arlington began, how to get involved this year and the reason behind their efforts.

Then on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 9 a.m., meet the caravan of volunteers, fire trucks, a police escort and others at the parking lot located at 2229 West Park Row in Arlington (Pantego Christian Academy and Saljos Pizza), to then drive to Mission Arlington together to drop off the donated bikes.

For more information, visit the Bikes for Mission Arlington website.

Mission Arlington executive director Tillie Burgin describes the early days of the ministry.
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