
Grapevine Wrapped in Blue for Police

Grapevine residents and business owners line Main Street with blue ribbons to show support for police after the deadly July 7 protest shooting.

Volunteers walked Main Street early Friday morning, hoping to cover Grapevine's historic downtown in blue to honor local police.

A group led by the Downtown Merchants' Association and several local volunteers tied blue ribbons around light poles, store fronts and anywhere else they could get permission.

The group also baked cookies and gathered cards to give to officers in Grapevine as a thank you.

Longtime downtown advocate Doris Solomon started the job early on Thursday morning, working seven hours in the heat to start putting up the ribbons.

"Help to make people feel like they're important; that their lives matter," said Solomon.

Since the ambush in Downtown Dallas that killed five officers, many North Texans have contributed to memorials and showings of support for police everywhere.

Solomon said their group just wanted to make some gesture as well, and wanted to show that, now, more than two weeks after the shooting the support for police is still strong.

The group plans to leave the ribbons up as long as possible, and Solomon said, if they remain, she's ready to get back out and replace them as they get weathered.

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