
Gov. Greg Abbott Declares State of Disaster After Deadly Tornadoes

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has declared a state of disaster in Van Zandt, Henderson and Rains counties following severe weather and deadly tornadoes over the weekend.

"The recent severe weather across our state has had a devastating impact on the people of East Texas," Abbott said in a statement Monday. "Texans by their very nature are resilient, and I am confident we will remain steadfast in our response to this disaster. I ask that everyone keep those impacted in your prayers as we come together to rebuild in the aftermath of these storms."

The governor toured the impacted region Sunday and talked about the ongoing relief efforts.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott talks about the tornado damage in East Texas.

Abbott also talked about the need for volunteers and housing.

Governor Greg Abbott talks about the need for volunteers in East Texas.
Governor Greg Abbott talks about the need for housing after the deadly tornadoes.

He mentioned those wanting to drop off supplies and the best way to help those impacted by the storms.

Governor Greg Abbott talks about the need for supplies in East Texas.
Governor Greg Abbott talks about making monetary donations to the tornado victims in East Texas.

The governor also had a map that showed the exact path of the tornadoes.

Governor Greg Abbott shows a track of the East Texas tornadoes.

Toward the end of his press conference, Abbott talked about the damage spread across the area.

Governor Greg Abbott talks about the tornado damage in East Texas.

Along with his disaster declaration, Abbott activated the Texas Emergency Management Council, including Texas Task Forces 1 and 2, to assist in the storm response.

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