Fort Worth

Golf Course Gives Way to Development, Spurs Debate Near Fort Worth

There is a fight brewing north of Fort Worth near Haslet where neighbors are opposing a development proposed to replace the golf course that’s been a landmark of their community for nearly 60 years.

There is a fight brewing north of Fort Worth near Haslet where neighbors are opposing a development proposed to replace the golf course that’s been a landmark of their community for nearly 60 years.

The owner of the Willow Springs Golf Course says his business is no longer profitable. As he works to finalize a deal with a developer hoping to buy the property, everyone’s watching to see whether the Fort Worth’s planning commission will approve a plat that plans for 400 homes on 5,000 square foot lots.

“Right now this plat has 3 homes backing up to one home around the golf course. Now I know the people that bought around the golf course at that time did not expect that to happen,” said Kraig Eggspuehler who bought his Willow Springs West home 20 years ago.

Eggspuehler’s been playing golf at Willow Springs long before he moved in. He’d love to see the golf course remain a golf course. But if it doesn’t, he hopes to see it replaced with a development that’s comprised of larger lots more consistent with what already exists.

“There’s an awful lot of people who’ve invested everything they have, hard money, time, everything else to come out here that that whole way of life seems to be slowly taken away from them,” said Eggspuehler.

He like several neighbors have written letters to the city, signed a petition and plan to be at a public comment meeting Wednesday.

“At the end of the day he does have a right to sell the property. We are just strongly against the plat that was submitted by the current developer, said Kristin Schultz.

Schultz’s home backs up to the golf course. She and her husband purchased the home two years ago because of its proximity to the 18th hole. Now as they imagine a reality without it, they’re asking the city to consider the infrastructure hundreds of new homes would require before allowing them to be built.

“We have one lane roads in either direction. During rush hour we have an incredible backload of traffic,” said Schultz.

Dacus Lindsey who owns the golf course says it remains open until any deal is finalized. As the current plan continues to receive pushback, he expects that could take some time.

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