
Giant Gems Sparkle and Shine after Smithsonian Sends Them to Dallas

A new exhibit is open to the public Friday, featuring almost 30 shimmering giant gems.

The Perot Museum just got some glistening new eye candy.

Nearly thirty giant, luminous gems trekked from the Smithsonian in Washingon D.C. all the way to Dallas where they will shine on display for museum-goers starting Friday until Jan. 17, 2017— and NBC 5 got a shimmering sneak peek Wednesday morning.

The gems are never-before-seen together, according to a press release from the Perot Museum. Many weigh over 1,000 carats, and they come in all different shapes and colors.

“The gems include an ‘American Golden’ topaz that tips the scales at almost 23,000 carats (more than 10 pounds), a blue topaz "football" of nearly 7,000 carats, kunzite Tiffany necklace, a Mogul emerald diamond necklace and more,” the release said.

The “Giant Gems of the Smithsonian” display will be free in the Perot Museum's Lyda Hill Gems and Minerals Hall on Level 3 from when it is officially unveiled on Friday.

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