United States

Frisco's Population Growth is Growing Retail Sector

Grocery store numbers growing as population continues to grow in Frisco.

Frisco has been one of the fastest growing cities in the United States for several years now, which is now leading to a growth in businesses, especially grocery stores.

In 2015, Frisco's population hit the 150,000 mark. For the grocery industry that's a sign there are enough rooftops and residents to make the business profitable.

At the intersection of Teel and El Dorado parkways, construction crews are busy preparing a new Sprout's Farmer's Market, just one of several locations where grocery chains either have construction on-going or property purchased.

According to NBC 5's media partner the Dallas Morning News, Sprout's, Whole Foods and H-E-B are all adding to the growing number of grocery stores in the Collin County city.

"Generally when you have area that's grown, at first it'll be residential," Frisco's director of development services John Lettelleir said. "When you have enough residential, retail starts to follow. And more retail will follow when you have enough rooftops to meet the needs of those residents."

Grocery stores are clearly needed. Lettelleir said profit margins are razor thin in the grocery business so with more preparing to open it's a sign the outlets feel they can be profitable.

Lettelleir also said the other pad sites associated with grocery stores are seeing more restaurants move into the area as retail grows like the population in Frisco.

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